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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jacksonville Trip in August 2009

Our first trip of 2009 to Jacksonville was from Thursday August 20 to Monday August 24. As usual we had a great time. Grayson played golf on Friday and played very well. The temperature was about 100 plus degrees. We went out to dinner on Friday night. On Saturday morning we went to Cameron's soccer game. It ended in a 2-2 tie. Cameron scored one of the goals. She had another game in the afternoon but we stayed home in the AC and read our books. On Saturday Jeff's dad Denny and Beth came over for a visit. We had not seen them since last October. Terressa prepared an excellent meal. On Sunday we stayed in and read, talked, and watched the USA ladies win the golf match. We left bright and early Monday and arrived home at about 330PM. Marty was glad to see us. It is about 415 miles to Jeff's house from here.

At extra benefit of this trip was that we spent Wednesday night in Columbia with Gary and Brenda. They are well. So now it is back to life as usual. For us life is good.
Jeff and Terresa's home in Jax.
A look from the back yard.
Smokey takes a nap every day in this chair.
Kyndal with Smokey.

Cameron in white(?) at muddy soccer meet.
Cameron scored one goal in the 2-2 tie!
Beth and Jan in deep conversation!
The Jeff Slate family.
The three pretty grand daughters.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hendersonville Trip

Margaret and Glenn were with us from Tuesday to Friday morning - August 11-14. We do alot of talking and eating . The weather was super. Temperatures were mild and each afternoon we had a rain which cooled the place down about 15 degrees. Jan prepared excellent meals as usual. We visited Brevard on Wednesday and did some shopping. On Thursday we went to Pierson Falls. It is about 5 miles south of Saluda, NC. If you get a chance, go see the falls. On Wednesday afternoon Glenn went fishing in the pond. He drowned a couple of worms but didn't bring home the bacon. We saw our first water snake. Lots of critters in the pond. We had a great time.

A Walk in the Woods

On the trail with Margaret and Glenn
Aren't they cute in the woods?
A downstream falls.
Another look at a waterway.
Amanmade waterway.

Videos of Pierson Falls

Margaret and Glenn Visit August 2009

Looking for gold?
Some of our pond friends.
Our crane with the geese statue.

Would you believe a crane came to Hendersonville?

Grayson looking wise and old!

We enjoy eating on our porch overlooking the pond.

Glen and Grayson play with building blocks.

Margaret and Glenn - our friends for 25 years.