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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The SC State Fair Visit - October 15, 2010

Jan and I visited the SC State Fair on Friday October 15, 2010. The highlight was getting to visit with Gary and Grayson and all of Fran's family. Those children are just precious. Jan got to hold 5 month old Cade. Everyone except Cade was eating corn dogs. Jan and I opted for chicken fillets. The day was sunny and the temperature was about 70 - a perfect day for the fair. We toured all the exhibit halls and walked around the midway. But we stayed off the rides. Our stomachs don't handle the rides anymore. And we missed the animal exhitits. We will catch them next year. You should go. It was a lot of fun and lots to see.
You always have to start the Fair at the Rocket. Remember those famous words,"Meet your Momma at the Rocket".
A normal fair picture.
Young Cade is the delight of his PaPa.
The General Manager of the Fair, Gary, is enjoying that new Grandson.
This is a prize winning cake at the fair. Could you make it?
This is another prize winning cake.
A look at all the wonderful foods grown in SC.
The paintings on display were quite impressive.
This is one of my favorites. This is a photo of a complete painting.
Jan in front of a Fall garden display.
This is the back of the famous sand sculpture which is at the fair each year.
This is the front of the sculpture. It is still being worked on. It is a pumpkin with lots of characters jumping out of it. Each year it is different.

This is the Petrey family from Boone, NC. Included are Drew, Ward, Evie, Mary Fran, Cade and Fran. They are Gary's pride and joy.
Fran with Cade.
Jan is in Hog Heaven with that pretty little boy.
Dad is eating someone's corn dog.
Jan, Mary Fran, Fran and Cade.
Mom and son - close together.
The big boy Ward of 2 years old with his giant corn dog. He did a good job on it.
Evie with her "dog" and drink. They were about ready to hit the rides.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Class of 1960 - St Paul's High School Reunion

By my count there were 19 of 41 class members from the class of 1960. There could have been more. With spouses and friends from other classes, the total was close to 70. It was held in Meggett at the old bank building. The town of Meggett has done an excellent job of refurbishing the facility. The last time I had been there was in 1955 when Calvary Baptist had used it as Sunday School rooms. (Actually there were 21 members out of 35 living members of the Class of 1960 and a toal of 81 folks there, as pr Ronnie Rash.)

The meal was superb - barbeque pork and chicken, baked beans, green beans, red rice, potato salad, slaw and rolls. No one went hungry. I had not been to a reunion since the 40th for the class of 1961. Jan said that she was so pleased at how everyone welcomed her. It seems like she got hugged by everyone that she was introduced to. And she likes to get hugs. It was just good old St Paul's hospitality. She had a wonderful time. Lots and lots of the folks I had not seen in 50 years. Some of us looked a little older. But the basic person was still there under whatever body we carried with us. So we had a great time. The time passed so fast. Already looking forward to the next one.

I am sorry but I did not get everyone's picture. I know I missed Judy Moore, Ginny Herrington and her husband Bill, and a couple of folks I did not know. Also, I did not know all of the names. so forgive me if I made a mistake.
The party was not as shaky as this picture appears. I don't remember who took it!!!!! Jan and Ginny and I only had sweet ice tea to drink!!!
Rosanne and others talking away.
Tony, Bobby Shealy and Mr. Baker
Tony's wife and Margie Moody
Two old time Hollywood folks - Henry Thompson and Sarah Ann Rash.
Phyliss and Jim in a big discussion.
Norman Sires Junior
Jan and Grayson had a great time.
Ruth and Jan talk while Dennis and Ginny look on.
Bernard Sires and others.
Earl and Dixie Barteet. They now live in Meggett.
Two of those beautiful King ladies- Connie and Rosanne.
Patsy Griffith
Bobby Shealy and Marion Alston
Marion and Conrad Coolidge
Eddie Collette and others.
It is those King girls again - smiling and laughing.
Theron McCants and wife Gayle and Aldean Chaplin
John and Lisa Main
Francis Whetstone and Larrry Main
Grayson doesn't know who these nice folks are - Sorry.
Sarah Ann and Ann Sanders
Bobby Garvin enjoying a good story!
Carol Savage and her husband and Ginger Weeks
Wilbur Jones and Helen Crosby Sires
Tony and Fran Parrish
Ronnie and Tony
Isabelle Sires
Dickie and Bobbi Mc Namee
Millie McConnell holds a straight face but not Bobbi.
Mrs Ronnie Rash and Dottie Hills
Phyliis Tawes - she is deep in thought!
Jimmy Golden and wife Addie
Gay Walker and husband
Joyce Woods and husband
Dot Williams and husband Herman Baker - married 48 years - Fantastic!!
Betty Ann and Mickey
Ernie Roberge and wife
Andy and Shirley Golden - we are glad Shirley is up and about again.
Here is Ms Ginny King!
Two of the movers and shakers in the Class of 1960 - Ernie and Ronnie
Another look at Ginny
Dennis and Ruth Brantley - and that's all folks!!!!!!!!