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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mixer Supper at Laurel and Patrick Greene's Home

This is Laurel and Patrick Greene's home. They were the hosts for our Mixer Supper in March, 2011. The suppers are a part of our church's fellowship programs. Here are Patrick and Laurel.
The dining room was beautiful and ready for us.
Jo Ann Bishop and Jan enjoyed the evening.
And here is sweet Sandra Sweet.
Sandra let Grayson sit next to her!
Another picture of Jo Ann and Jan.

And here is the fantastic singer of Second Presbyterian Roy Bishop.

Visit With Eddie Mack and Joyce in March 2011

We try to visit with Eddie Mack and Joyce two to three times a year. Usually the visit is for one night. We don't want them to get tired of us and not let us come. Eddie Mack's health has greatly improved in the last few months. For this we are so grateful. He is getting up and out again. Joyce can start smiling now.
See, Joyce is smiling.

Jan and Joyce have a great relationship. As long as we keep them in line, they behave themselves.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Seeker's Class Party at the Hinson's

Grayson and Jan were invited so that there would be no age discrimination issues! We had 15 folks in attendance from the Seeker's class. Had a excellent meal. Everyone had a great time.
Here are our Host and hostess, Allen and Sarah Hinson, with Judy Rhodes. Thanks to Sarah and Allen for opening their home to us.

Michael Bennett is deep in thought.
Joy Hoyle with Jan.
Here are Frank and Martha Waters. Frank has his knee surgery scheduled for next week.
Amanda Bennett and Jared Young.
Pastor Steve is asking for sermon ideas from Eden!
Molly is happy to have Curt back from his trip to Africa.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Visit with Matthew and Aimee - March 5, 2011

We try to get with Aimee and Matthew about every two weeks. And we usually meet in Gaffney which is half way for both of us. Today we met in Gaffney at the Chic-Fil-A for lunch. Aimee's stomach is getting bigger and bigger each time we see her.Obviously that is what is suppose to happen if you happen to be pregnant. The baby will be a girl. Their name of choice at this time is Stellar Grayse. And it could change with time. Of course, I am partial to the second name. We had a good lunch and a great visit. They were going back to Rock Hill and go shopping for a baby bed. Of course Grandmother Jan gave them a check to pay for it. So everyone is excited and hoping for a healthy and happy little girl. God is good and God is great.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ladies Night 2011

We had our Ladies Night at Second Presbyterian Church on Sunday February 20, 2011. We had about 80 folks in attendance. We had prime ribs, sweet potato souffle, and asparagus. Our entertainment was by the singing group from Spartan High called The Corporation. They were excellent. The pictures for the evening are on our Facebook site. Everyone seemed to have a good time.