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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Drew's Graduation Party - May 28, 2011

Drew graduated from Boiling Springs High School on May 27. He had his party on Saturday May 28. There were lots of family and friends in attendance. Jan and I were so glad they invited us. We had not seen Aunt Dottie and Cullen in a good while. Aunt Dottie was having a good day. We were treated to an excellent barbecue meal. The banana pudding was superb. Drew is a fine young man. He will be a trainer for the Clemson football team next year. He will be starting school on August 2 when the team shows up. He received lots of gifts. After the meal and gifts, there were fire works and the guys played games outside. It was a wonderful party.
This one did not get away!
Dennis checking out the party.

The graduation boy opening his cards and presents. Drew will be going to Clemson next year . He will be majoring in pre veterinarian science.

Cullen, Aundria and Clara

Drew's helper - recording all the gifts.

Three pretty little girls.

Hunter, a rising junior at Lander University.

The two Dotties - Aunt Dottie and Little Dottie

Trey was busy taking pictures and Drew was taking calls.

Trey with his grandmother and great grandmother

Paige - Trey's better half.

Mom and daughter

Uncle Cullie with one of his girl friends, Clara

Aunt Dottie and Jan did lots of talking.

Jennifer with her youngest.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our Sunday Visit with Matthew and Aimee

We met Matthew and Aimee at Cracker Barrel in Gaffney on Sunday April 22, 2011. This is the halfway point for us. We had not seen them in several weeks. Aimee is doing well with her pregnancy. But she does look a little tired.
Matthew got a job at Atlas Copco in Rock Hill on Friday. We are all so pleased. Atlas Copco manufactures air compressors. Until they start a second shift, Matthew will be working five 10 hour days and 6 hours on Saturdays. The overtime will be a blessing with the baby coming.

Matthew and I found him a new pair of safety shoes at the Rack Room. Mom and Aimee did some girl bonding while we shopped.

Matthew and Jan don't look any older but the old dad seems to be gathering a few wrinkles.

Aimee says that Stella likes to move around a lot. She is glowing like all Southern mothers to be. Jan is looking forward to a baby shower in June at Aimee's mom's home.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Visit With Rick and Jeff

On our return trip from Disney to Jacksonville, we were able to spend time with both Rick and Jeff. Jan had her best Mother's Day present by being with her two boys.
Rick is staying in St Augustine with his dad and step mom. He is working hard at finding a job. We went to dinner at a seafood restaurant. Jeff had 18 fried shrimp and Rick had a bucket full of clams. Mom managed 9 shrimp. Those boys can eat.

Two young guys and one mature gentleman!!

Another picture of Jan and her two little boys.

Disney World 2011

After the Goodman Reunion, Jan and Grayson left for Florida. We spent the night with Jeff and family. On Monday we left for Disney. We stayed for four nights and five days. We went to all four parks. We saw just about everything. We stayed at the All Star Sports Resort. It was extra nice. And we ate too much. On Friday we returned to Jacksonville and a visit with Rick and Jeff. It will probably be another 15 years before we go back. But a good time was had.

The Goodman Reunion 2011

Our Goodman Reunion was held in Lynchburg, SC on May 1, 2011. Our numbers were small this year. We only had 18 in attendance. the Epting girls and families were not able to attend. But the food was outstanding as usual and the conversation great. We were able to talk with everyone. We look forward to next year's gathering.
It is just Jan and Grayson.
There is certainly a lot of white hair at this table! Dickie is glad to be back in SC.

Gene was looking good and feeling ok.

Earle hasn't changed any in about 25 years.

Can this lovely young lady be our hostess Amelia Ann.

It was so nice to have Betty and Susan with us. Notice the "Goodman" white hair!

Susan and Mary Ann

Father and son - Rhett and Keller!

The good looking Goodman's from Wingate, NC - Eddie Mack and Joyce.

WA without Amelia Ann!

Dickie and Mary

Watson and bride!!