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Monday, August 22, 2011

Beth and Will's Wedding August 20, 2011

Beth and Will's wedding was held outside at her parents home. The setting was beautiful.
The young family was at the wedding.

Miss Stella managed to sleep through the entire party.

Another picture of our little granddaughter.

Grandmother and mom ready for the wedding.

Matthew was best man.

Cousin John was one of the groomsmen.

The ceremony was beautiful and dignified.

These are all of the groomsmen.

And here comes Mr. and Mrs Will Greene.

Will looks a little perplexed over the cutting of the cake!

And here is the beautiful bride.

The cutting of the cake.

Matthew with friends Damiene and Crystal.

Aunt Patty and Grandmother Barb looking at Miss Stella.

Grandmother Barb

Edisto Beach Visit - August 2011

On Saturday night, Mack and Belinda and family came to dinner at our beach house.
Belinda was enjoying her last free days before the start of school.

Zach and Ashley - ready for school - and dinner. Zach is always hungry.

Grand mother Joyce.

Aunt Jan prepared the dinner. And of course it was delicious.

A Visit With The Kings - Our Edisto Beach Trip

The Piggly Wiggly is the best grocery store on Edisto Beach. Of course, it is the only grocery store there. But it is Edisto and it is Lowcountry. And you don't need any thing else.
On Thursday of our Edisto visit, we had dinner with the Kings. Roy Smoak is the first cousin of Ginny and Connie. Here I caught him in the middle of a blink. I can assure you that he is not sleeping - or praying!

I am sitting next to Ginny. She is our hostess. The meal was fantastic. Thanks Ginny.

Connie is the youngest of the three King sisters.

This is a happy group - Roseann, Jan, Beth and Roy Smoak.

Here is Ginny all by herself.

Joyce was classmates of Ginny and Roy at St Paul's.

Bill is the proud husband of Connie.

Two pretty ladies - Roseann and Jan.

Beth and Roy.

A Visit to the Slave Market - August 17, 2011

On Wednesday we went to Charleston for a visit to the Slave Market. It has been renovated and some of it is now air conditioned. We looked and shopped for about three hours. There were lots of visitors.
Eddie Mack in motion.

Joyce and Jan are good lookers and even better shoppers.

A good place to buy a hat!!

Something for the granddaughters.

We had lunch at Tommy Condons. I had the fish and chips.

Our two ladies.

A good sales lady talks to Joyce.

A look down the market.

An older gentleman looking for a hand out.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Visit with Stella on August 6, 2011 in Rock Hill

This is a proud dad with the little one.
Does she get any cuter than this?

She had just finished with her bath.

Mom and daughter were both pooped out!

She is not happy about something!

Mom loves that little girl bunches and bunches.

Life is good for this little one.

Dad and mom resting and talking to the grand parents.