Oir New York Trip

Oir New York Trip
Tea with the Roosevelts

Just Stella

Just Stella
Playing games

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Visit with Stella on February 26, 2012

We visited Stella after church on February 26. She is now 7 months old. Last night she was sick. She was throwing up. Aimee and Matthew finally got her upchucking under control. After taking a bath and changing out the bed clothes, the baby and parents were a little worn out. So everyone was a little tired today. But we went out to lunch and Stella took a little nap which seemed to refresh her. Granddaddy always has to hold his precious little granddaughter.
We had finished lunch and were getting ready to go home.

She is feeling pretty good now. She was doing alot of "talking".

These are my special girls.

Dad loves this little bundle.

She was ready to play a litttle.

Another picture of granddaddy and Stella.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Second Presbyterian's Ladies' Night - February 2012

The Queen of the Ball!!
The brother and sister act!!

Daughter and Mom
Four pretty ladies!

Two ladies in Red - Annie and Quinn

Margaret Ann seems to be deep in thought!

Danny Boy - his bride was at home - not feeling too well.

Dr. John Moody - the Real Music Man

More of the lovely ladies! And the Corpenings and Godfreys enjoying the festivities.

This is Mr and Mrs Charles Baxter

Crystal and Judy

Mark and Shelia with Leroy in the background

Mary Lee and Taylor

Our love birds - Bill and Betty

Joann and her best friend Roy

This is a good looking group of four.

Gordon and Judy will soon be trying out their dance routines with "Dancing with the Stars".

This is the backbone of Cal's cooking team. Wow!!

Would you buy a used car from either one of these dudes????

March and her mom, Phyllis.

Jackie and guest.

Our Visit on February 11, 2012

When we got to Matthew's, Stella had just had her bath. Dad brought her out with just her diaper on and put her in her little chair. Isn't she the cutest?
Grandmother and Stella getting reacquainted.

She ia always amazed at this old man who is her granddaddy!

Dad is giving her a little help holding the bottle.

She said she wanted to do it by herself.

Now she has double help.

Grandmother helps to tip the bottle up.

This is the official Granddaddy/Stella picture for this trip.

Here she is sitting up by herself.

Sitting up by herself and chewing on the patsy.

More helping hands!

Surrounded by Love!!!

Mom and the baby.

Stella was feeling good this time. We were about ready to go out for lunch.