Oir New York Trip

Oir New York Trip
Tea with the Roosevelts

Just Stella

Just Stella
Playing games

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Visit with Stella at 16 Months on November 18, 2012

 We had not seen Stella in about 4-5 weeks. She had been sick for the last two weeks with a runny nose and lots of coughing. The antibiotics did not do any good. And then she got pink eye which she proceded to give to her Mom and Dad. A fourth visit to the doctor resulted in another antibiotic. This one did the trick. Buttttttt, she broke out in a rash all over her body. So back to the doctor.She was allergic to the antibiotic. Now she has new medicine and a cortisone cream. Matthew reported today(11/28) that she was looking a little better.  But on this day she was feeling OK. We took them to dinner to celebrate Matthew's 30th birthday.

She went from one of us to another. She was very lovable and seemed to remember Grandmother and Granddaddy.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Nice Visit With Stella

 Stella with mom and dad came for a visit on Sunday October 21. She had a little cold and a runny nose. But she was busy as a bee anyway.
 She was just thinking about what to do next.
 Looking for bargains.
 Checking out the pictures on the coffee table.
 Mommy, are these your keys?
 Time for a rest and a bottle. I am pooped out and hungry. 
 Dad, I like this new car seat.
 Grandmother was looking pretty as usual.
Aunt Joyce was explaining something to me!