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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Visit with Layla and Jada - August , 2013

 We had lunch with Layla and Jada.
 Granddaddy with the girls.
 With their mom, Rebecca.
 Jan had a great day with the girls. They have a real nice home.
 The four of us.
The other three grand daughters.

Courtney's Graduation from Univ.of North Florida - August 2, 2013

 Jeff's daughter Courtney graduated from UNF.
 Here is Courtney with her two sisters Kyndle and Cameron.
 This is Courtney's fiance Jeremy.
 Courtney and her dad, Jeff.
 With grandfather Denny and her step grandmother Beth.
 With her grand parents - her mom's parents.
 Jeremy and Courtney's home.
Courtney showing off her house.