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Monday, May 25, 2009

Grandmother's Funeral - May 20, 2009

Grandmother died on May 15, 2009 after a brief bout of pneumonia. Joyce was with her when she passed. The family gathered at Grayson and Jan's home. We had seven of the nine grandchildren with us. Some had not seen their cousins in over 20 years. It was really a time of celebration for us as we remembered what a wonderful lady Grandmother was. She was always happy and positive.

Our pastor was sick and could not conduct the service: so the girls asked Grayson to conduct the service. We had a large crowd which was heart warming for the daughters. Then Jan's Circle served a meal for the family at the church. On Thursday the family left for their homes across the USA. It was a wonderful gathering of the family. We will get together again sometime soon.

Jan, Grayson, and Marty went to Hendersonville on Thursday afternoon for a rest for the weekend. Grayson managed to take a nap each day and we went to bed early. Watched a couple of good movies and read our books. It was a much needed rest. Now we are back at home. We will miss Grandmother and will never forget her.

Jan's Family - Matthew, Aimee, Jeff, and Grayson

Jane's Family - George, Nick, and Tony

Joyce's Family - David, Tom, and Kevin

The Family Gathered at Jan's Home

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Well, Mother's Day certainly changes over time. But then all of life changes. Today we visited with grandmother after church. She was not feeling too good. She had fallen the night before in her bathroom. Fortunately she had not scraped or broken anything. But she was not her usual jovial self. She was a little down. She also fell the previous Saturday and hurt her arm and bruised her ribs. And she was very tired so we left her after a couple of hours. We then went to Gaffney where we had dinner with Aimee and Matthew. They are well and are getting all the wedding "stuff" organized. Jan got cards and calls from Rick and Jeff. So Mom was in overall good spirits; especially after the Mets won there ballgame. And a final note - we got Marty back. A lady in the neighboring subdivision rescued him from the rain and called the Shelter. He was glad to see us. I have since made the fence "escape proof". Hope your day was memorable!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Visit with Rick in Atlanta

After the reunion in Lynchburg, we headed for Altanta. Four and 1/2 hours and 275 miles later we arrived in Atlanta. As most of you know Rick is the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the New York Mets baseball team. When the Mets come to Atlanta to play the Braves, we go down for a visit. Mom gets to bond with her son again. We went to the game on Monday night and the Mets won. We had breakfast with Rick on Monday and Tuesday. I had to go to Urgent Care on Monday since I had gotten into poison ivy at home. A shot in the bottom and some cream will relieve me of my discomfort. We had a wonderful visit. It was a super weekend. We are so blessed.

When we got home we found out that our dog had escaped under the fence. He was captured by our neighbor who feeds him while we are gone. I didn't get all of the "holes" under the fence fixed on Monday. So Marty took off again this morning. I hope we can find the little guy. I will be closing up all escape routes for him now. More to come!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Goodman Reunion - May 2009

Our Goodman Reunion was held on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at Lynchberg Baptist Church. As usual our hostess was Amelia Ann. We had 37 ( my count) in attendance. Everyone seemed to be in a talkative mood. And the food was outstanding. Family members there included the following:
1) From Uncle Carlyle's family - Earl ; Donna and husband; Pam; and Shawn with her children.
2) From Dad's family - Eddie Mack and Joyce; Grayson and Jan; Donald, Michelle, and Daniel: Macky,Belinda, Ashley and Zach.
3) From Aunt Clare's family - Amelia Ann and W.A. ( they just celebrated their 50th anniversary), Watson and his family; Dickie and wife.
4) From Aunt Dolly's family - Rhett and Donna
5) From the Epting Clan - Becky and Rock with their son and wife; Judy and Milton; Marlene; and Jeannie with two of her children; and the Queen of the Day - Polly at the young age of 89. She put all of us to shame with her enthusiasm and energy .

I probably missed someone and don't remember all the names, and for that I am sorry. Leroy and Betty and Gene and Mary Ann sent there regrets. Health issues have slowed them down. I only included about half of the pictures. I will bring all of them to next year's party. All in all we had a great time. Hope to see you there next year.