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Monday, May 25, 2009

Grandmother's Funeral - May 20, 2009

Grandmother died on May 15, 2009 after a brief bout of pneumonia. Joyce was with her when she passed. The family gathered at Grayson and Jan's home. We had seven of the nine grandchildren with us. Some had not seen their cousins in over 20 years. It was really a time of celebration for us as we remembered what a wonderful lady Grandmother was. She was always happy and positive.

Our pastor was sick and could not conduct the service: so the girls asked Grayson to conduct the service. We had a large crowd which was heart warming for the daughters. Then Jan's Circle served a meal for the family at the church. On Thursday the family left for their homes across the USA. It was a wonderful gathering of the family. We will get together again sometime soon.

Jan, Grayson, and Marty went to Hendersonville on Thursday afternoon for a rest for the weekend. Grayson managed to take a nap each day and we went to bed early. Watched a couple of good movies and read our books. It was a much needed rest. Now we are back at home. We will miss Grandmother and will never forget her.


  1. We were so sorry to hear about Elizabeth's passing. She was such a sweet woman. Please know y'all continue to be in our prayers.

  2. Grayson sorry to hear Elizabeth passed away. I apparently had not checked your blog for awhile. You are in our prayers.

