Oir New York Trip

Oir New York Trip
Tea with the Roosevelts

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Just Stella
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Through this gate come the old Christian soldiers of Second Presbyterian Church for their Friday morning breakfast and Bible study.
Roy is all ready to go to work after breakfast.
Steve and Grayson are almost finished.
Jim and Cal. Jim was the cook today.
Gabe and Jimmy.
The smiling Colonel makes us use china instead of paper!
Jimmy and Steve
Three happy campers - Gordon, Gabe, and Cal.
Roy explaining to Jimmy what predestination is all about!

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a name from my past. Your dad sold my grandaddy a Corvair many years ago. I've kind of kept up with Gary but didn't know what had become of you. Gary and I played little league together, I think you were my brother's age just a little ahead of me. The shot of Edisto triggered my Google alert cause I'm finally home here. When you're on the island stop by. Bud Skidmore
