The boat house on Lake Susan - with the wonderful weather, lots of folks took canoes and paddle boats out on the lake.
This is Assembly Inn on the hill overlooking Lake Susan.
Gene and Nancy Lassiter at our first worshiip service. Gene was the pastor at Second Presbyterain Church for about 13 years. I sat with them for 3 of the services.
The teenagers from Second and Fairview became best buddies almost immediately. They played games, went to putt putt, and had frisbee contest at all times of the night.
On Wednesday night we went to "My Father's Pizza". Here you see Stacie, Brooke, Marian, David, Taylor, Beth, Mary, and Annie.
Jane, Alex and Taylor wait for our table and some good pizza.
This is the picture of the magnificent 16. The guy with the blue shirt and the one with the ball cap jumped into the picture and included themselves.
This is the Fairview Presbyterian church crowd. They are Stacie, Mary, Brooke, Marian, Beth, Clayton and Alex. Alex just completed his first year at Columbia Seminary.
And this is the Second Presbyterian Church bunch. We are John, Sandra, Taylor, Jane, Alex, Grayson, D.J., Annie, and David.
What a super group of young people!!!
Daughter Aletha joined mom for pizza on Wednesday night.
Alex, Grayson, and Beth
Thanks to Jane and Annie for preparing such delicious meals this year.
Sweet Sandra Sweet reading her book.
The two mommas of Fairview - Mary and Beth. Or is it Beth and Mary???
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