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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jan's Birthday - October 27, 2011

Jan and Joyce's birthday cake - a Red Velvet.
Jan and Joyce are twins. For the first time in many years they were able to celebrate it together. Debbie had baked the cake for them.

All three sisters were present. Jane had flown in from Minnesota. Joyce lives in Virginia Beach. The sisters had not been together since October, 2010.

Joyce was cutting the cake. Jan was dipping the ice cream.

Jan was excited with all the presents.

Joyce and Debbie awaiting the cake and ice cream.

This is now Saturday morning. We are waiting for Matthew, Aimee, and Stella from Rock Hill.

Aunt Joyce is holding the baby. Stella did not feel too well. She was a little cranky.

Dad took Stella in the bedroom to rock her. She was not in the mood for rocking.

Mom was holding the baby.

And here is that pretty baby.

Only mom could keep Stella from crying today.

A great picture of mother and daughter.

Stella was not to happy to be with granddaddy. But we need this photo to prove that he was home this weekend.

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