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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grayson and Jessica - Their Wedding

I have never been to a wedding that was not special. And this wedding was certainly special. The bride was beautiful and the groom was handsome. Neither appeared to be too nervous. The music, the pastor, the service and all the attendants were designed to glorify the Lord and to celebrate the union of the two young people. The families were dressed up and ready to witness this event. Everything went off without a hitch. In about 30 minutes we were introduced to Mr and Mrs Grayson McDonald Goodman.

The reception was at the Moore Building at the Fairgrounds. The hall had been decorated and was ready for an evening of fun and fellowship. The food and drink were delicious. Lots of us danced. And the bride and her dad taught us all how to shag. What an evening. Thanks be to God. We are truly blessed.

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