Oir New York Trip

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Uncle Joe's Golf Tournament - April 2011 at Edisto

This is the area below Uncle Joe's beach house where the golfers gather to eat, fellowship, and tell tall stories. Steve is cleaning off the tables. Joe and Kevin did a fantastic job of organizing and executing this golf tournament. This is Mike and Matt telling about one of their great shots!
What a team - Uncle Joe, Mike, Joe , and Kevin.
Here is the victorious team on Day 1 - Grayson, Mike, Bryan, and Matt.
Mark, Mike and Daryl.
Jim, Patrick, Jim, and Gary
This is a picture of the Duffy family - Bryan, dad Mike, and Patrick- and Uncle Joe.
This team was made up of the Gordon Houston family.
This is a team made up of young trojans - Ernest, Steve, Trey, and Shawn.

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